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International Solidarity Movement The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles. Founded by a small group of activists in August, 2001, ISM aims to support and strengthen the Palestinian popular resistance by providing the Palestinian people with two resources, international protection and a voice with which to nonviolently resist an overwhelming military occupation force. 4-4-2006 4663
Jews for Justice for Palestinians A British group, providing information and organizing events in opposition to Israeli policies that undermine the human rights of the Palestinian people. 4-4-2006 4015
Open Bethlehem Open Bethlehem is a city initiative that aims to promote Bethlehem as a prime destination for tourists, bold initiatives and investment. The core of our message is that Bethlehem is a city of openness and diversity, with a centuries-old tradition of welcoming travellers, refugees and pilgrims from across the world. With headquarters in Bethlehem University, working hand-in-hand with all Bethlehem civil institutions, Open Bethlehem is well-placed to put the city at the forefront of world attention. This initiative aims to promote partnerships between international institutions, business and the tourism sector, to bring investment and opportunities for Bethlehem, equipping the city with a means for survival and prosperity. 4-4-2006 4830
The Electronic Intifada* The Electronic Intifada (EI) is a not-for-profit, independent publication committed to comprehensive public education on the question of Palestine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the economic, political, legal, and human dimensions of Israel's 39-year occupation of Palestinian territories. EI provides a needed supplement to mainstream commercial media representations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict* 4-10-2006 3187
The Freedom Theatre* The Freedom Theatre is a cultural and theatre training center, established in 2006 and registered as a Swedish foundation with official registry number 1019727, file no. 5687a, and organization number: 802425-1582 in accordance* to Swedish law. The founding of "The Freedom Theatre" was inspired by the work of Arna Mer Khamis The members of the "Freedom Theatre" Association wish to announce that we intend to rebuild the children's theatre in the Jenin Refugee Camp which was established by Arna Mer Khamis and was destroyed by the Israeli Army in 2002. Arna was born in 1929 to Jewish parents in the land of Palestine before the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. She began a lifetime of campaigning for peace, justice and human rights in her homeland - which most often meant acting and speaking out uncompromisingly for the rights of the Palestinian people and against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It was at the time of the Palestinian uprising, or "The Stone Intifada", in 1988 that Arna saw the need to establish centers in the Jenin refugee camp for children affected by the violence around them. She founded the organization "Care and Learning" to respond to their needs. Jenin refugee camp was established in 1953, within the municipal boundaries of Jenin in the West Bank. The camp was set up by UNRWA to house Palestinian refugees who lost their homes as a result of the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 which is known as the Palestinian Catastrophe "Nakbah". In 1993 Arna was awarded "The Alternative Nobel Prize" in Sweden for her work. She used the award to build and finance a children's theatre in Jenin camp, "Arna's House". Arna, alongside with her son Juliano, taught a group of children from Jenin camp how to act and perform, enabling the children to "bring the sun back into the palace" as their first play was called. Two years later, Arna Mer-Khamis died after a lengthy struggle against cancer. In 2002, the Israeli Army invaded Jenin Refugee camp. As a result of the 10 day invasion, the theatre was destroyed, so there was no place left for the children of Jenin camp to play and perform. In August 2005, friends and colleagues of Arna, community leaders in Jenin Refugee Camp, and the local staff of a child rehabilitation centre met to set about recreating Arna's children theatre in Jenin camp in order to educate, encourage, and empower the children. The Freedom Theatre was born, aiming to provide the children of Jenin Camp with opportunities for a "real" childhood, creative means of expressing themselves, and some light and hope. In its rehabilitation role the theatre will also be used, in conjunction with the rehabilitation committee in Jenin, for speech therapy and various therapeutic drama programs and as a space for the committee to expand their work, rehabilitating disabled children. The Freedom theatre Association calls upon relief and welfare organizations as well as social, political, educational, and cultural NGO's, and supportive individuals, to help us in our effort by donating funds, services, expertise and relevant materials. No donation is too small. 4-10-2006 3217
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign Since it was founded in 1982, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has become the largest and most active campaigning organisation in the UK on the issue of Palestine. We aim to build an effective mass campaign, organising protests, political lobbying and raising public awareness. We are an independent, non-governmental and non-party political organisation with members from many communities across Britain - and increasingly throughout the world. 4-4-2006 5181
Zaytoun Zaytoun is an ethical business established to support marginalized farming communities in Palestine. Palestine is the home of the olive tree supporting over half the population & dominating the agricultural landscape. Zaytoun offers rural communities access to the British Fair Trade market. As a non-profit company our primary objectives lie with the welfare of the producing communities. We invest in empowering farming communities & developing the agricultural infrastructure in Palestine. Palestine is the origin of the olive tree with some of the oldest olive groves in the world, some dating as far back as 1500 to 2000 years. This combined with the Mediterranean climate, rich fertile soil and the use of organic traditional farming methods makes Zaytoun Palestinian olive oil a world beating product. In Palestine Zaytoun works with several Palestinian charities including the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee, The Union of Palestinian Workers Committee, Sindyanna, Palestinian Farmers Union and Project Hope. Our first pilot farmers cooperative project is now underway, named Al-Zaytouna, thanks to funding from War on Want, Unicorn Grocery & Palcrafts. In the UK, we are an active part of the Palestinian campaign networkZaytoun, Braziers Park, Ipsden, Oxon, OX10 6AN, UK. Company Registration: 507 8436 Vat: 855 911 796 4-4-2006 4685